When the late Shree Jagjivanbhai Karsanbhai Chandra was confronted with the problem of transportation in 70s rural Saurashtra, he put on his inventor cap and came up with the ‘Chhakada’: A low maintenance, rugged multiple use vehicle with a high load-carrying capacity. Soon, 150,000 diesel Chhakadas were on Saurashtra’s roads, easing the transportation of passengers and goods. Today, it is an iconic vehicle and a testament to nimble problem solving.
But this inventive spirit didn’t stop there. The father’s innovative legacy was inherited by his son, Shree Jayantibhai Chandra. Going beyond the Chhakada, Mr Chandra built on and improved his father’s technology. The focus was now on the semi-urban and urban markets. Under the name ATUL Auto Ltd, we launched commercial 3-wheeler cargo and passenger vehicles, going by the name of Shakti. Shakti’s popularity in the market led to the launch of newer models in the segment, Gem and Gemini.
At present, ATUL Auto Ltd. – part of the Rs. 1.5 billion ATUL Group – is Gujarat’s leading manufacturer of commercial 3-wheelers.
How did we manage to get there? By believing this: Doing the same thing over and over isn’t what matters. Getting better is what matters. When what you do becomes a legacy, it leaves behind a series of successes, milestones and landmarks that may serve to inspire the innovators of tomorrow.